the blog.
The 8 Ball Studios blog covers the intricacies of gaming, from the symbolism of classics to interviews with the greats.
Analyzing BioShock’s Use of Psychology to Criticize Objectivism
BioShock cleverly uses various psychological tricks and its world-building to criticize Ayn Rand’s ideas of Objectivism.
An Interview With Victoria Dominowski, Developer of Secret Little Haven
I had the absolute pleasure of interviewing the developer of Secret Little Haven, a cute game about a trans girl discovering herself in 1999.
What I Learned From Building A Portfolio
A position on the dev team in my program at BSU opened up recently. I went to apply and saw they required a link to your portfolio. At this point, I didn’t have a portfolio, so I built one.
Where have we been? & A Huge Announcement!
We’ve haven’t made much progress on T1 recently, but for a good reason.
8 Ball Studios Devlog: March 2022
We’ve been really busy, but what time we’ve had has been spent on making some art for the Cabin!
8 Ball Studios Devlog: February 2022
We’ve worked a lot on the Cabin and some other fun stuff for T1!
A Unique Masterpiece Among Narratives
This article studies how the writing of The Last of Us uses story elements, dialogue, and gameplay to craft a compelling story.
The Current Status of T1
Our first devlog covers our current progress on T1, what we have done so far, and where we plan to go.
Happy One Month of 8 Ball Studios!
It’s hard to believe it’s already been an entire month since 8 Ball Studios was founded. Thanks for the support!
The Art Inside Death Stranding
This article goes into how Death Stranding uses its gameplay to encourage positive human connections.
What Silent Hill 2 Gains From Withholding Information
Many games feel the need to explain every little detail about what is going on. Silent Hill 2 does the opposite, crafting a more compelling narrative.
print(“Hello World!”);
Hey there! I’m Matthew – the founder of 8 Ball Studios. Here you can learn a bit about me and why I decided to open a game studio.
Have an idea for a post? Reach out and let us know!